Projects | A newspaper | “The Bacchanalian Gazette”

The Bacchanalian Gazette Issue 1 (September 2019) & Issue 2 (December 2019)

An intermittent adventure 

© Andrew Brooke 2019

Wanting to present my night work in an engaging way which stayed true to the subject, and kept people interested, it needed to be a format which allowed for variety in the content. The Bacchanalian Gazette is a 40 page portfolio of photographs and some explanatory text.

The newspaper format lends itself to the immediacy and rawness of the core content,  whilst permitting the juxtaposition of image styles and themes in a manner in which we are all familiar, as in a real ‘newspaper’ with their  diverse range of topics and visual styles where reportage laid out next to highly produced advertising is common.

The Bacchanalian Gazette is an ongoing project, Issue 3 is in the works, after that, who knows?  It will change with the times.  

The clip below takes you through Issue 1